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Tim Scott avoids the question of gun control with two go-to GOP talking points

During his appearance on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning, Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) attempted to deflect from the pressing inquiries regarding gun control by responding to a question about the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of the bump stock ban.

When questioned about the court’s decision to overturn the ban on gun accessories that he had previously supported, South Carolina politician shifted the conversation towards President Joe Biden and the topic of immigration.

During an interview with journalist Jonathan Karl, Scott emphasized the need to address the prevalent violence in the nation. He pointed out that under Joe Biden’s leadership, communities have suffered from a surge in violent crime, which has caused severe damage for the first time in fifty years.

According to sources, Scott, who is rumored to be a potential Republican vice presidential candidate, stated that in order for us to effectively tackle crime, we need to re-elect Donald Trump for another four years.

Karl quickly corrected Scott’s statement, saying “Senator, I must correct you. The latest statistics on violent crime and murder rates indicate a decrease in the past year.”

The FBI released a report last week stating that violent crime across the country decreased by 15% during the first quarter of 2024.

The senator acknowledged that the numbers had “plateaued,” but expressed concern over the threat of violent crime that was causing people to feel trapped in their homes from dusk till dawn.

When Karl attempted to steer the conversation towards bump stocks, he asked Scott if he would still support a ban on them. He even mentioned that such a ban could easily pass through congress in 2018. However, Scott sidestepped the question once more and simply stated, “I strongly support the 2nd Amendment.”

In response to the devastating 2017 attack on a Las Vegas music festival, which claimed the lives of 60 people and is considered the deadliest mass shooting in American history, the Trump administration attempted to ban bump stocks through executive action. These attachments were used during the attack and were deemed a contributing factor in the high number of casualties.

Scott deflected Karl’s question and instead pointed the finger at immigrants who were crossing the southern border of the United States.

He stated that the primary concern of the American people is to secure the southern border, and that is where our focus should lie.

According to the speaker, there has been a significant increase in illegal border crossings since Joe Biden took office. The speaker claims that ten million illegal immigrants have come into the country, resulting in a surge of migrant crime, which was witnessed just the previous day. In contrast, during Donald Trump’s presidency, there was a sharp decline in illegal border crossings.

After Karl’s persistent questions, he finally gave up as he realized that the other person was not going to answer. “OK, so you’re not going to answer that question,” he concluded.

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