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NYC couple discovers almost $100,000 in a safe while magnet fishing in a muddy Queens pond

While magnet fishing in a pond in Queens, a lucky couple from New York City stumbled upon a safe containing nearly $100,000. It seems like their fortune changed overnight as they hit the jackpot with this unexpected discovery.

On a Friday afternoon, James Kane and Barbie Agostini were magnet fishing at a pond in Queens when they stumbled upon something unexpected – a muddy safe. The couple, who frequently share their discoveries on social media, were in awe when they managed to crack open the safe and reveal stacks of soaked bills, which they estimated to be worth around $100,000. According to Spectrum News NY1, the duo was thrilled with their find and excited to share their story with others.

They posted a video showcasing the safe covered in mud and the bills that got ruined as a result of being drenched with water.

During an interview with NY1, Kane disclosed that while they had often come across old safes before, they had never before found anything of significant value until now. Agostini, on the other hand, was surprised when Kane revealed the contents of the safe, as she had initially thought he was joking.

Agostini told NY1 that when she saw the actual dollars and the security ribbons, she lost it.

Magnet anglers allowed to keep safe

After finding the safe, the couple took the responsible step of contacting the NYPD to ensure that they were not in violation of any laws. Fortunately, the owner of the safe could not be identified, leading the authorities to permit the couple to keep both the safe and its contents. It was certainly a stroke of luck for the couple, who had stumbled upon a curious and valuable find.

According to NY1, Kane stated that the bills were “completely drenched” and in a state of ruin.

The couple’s plan to salvage their newfound stash remains unclear at the moment.

The NYPD stated that any found property with a value of ten dollars or more must be reported and handed over to the police. However, in this particular case, the currency’s authenticity and value could not be ascertained due to the property’s severely disintegrated state.

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