A 14-year-old teenager from New York, Emmarae Gervasi, disappeared on December 9 after she entered a car parked outside her house. The family embarked on an intense search for her that lasted nearly a month. However, a crucial tip eventually guided Emmarae’s father, Frank Gervasi, to locate his daughter on a boat.
“I found emma !!! Please give me some time and then I will address the public in a few thanks,” Frank Gervasi wrote on Facebook. “Prayers answered.” With this announcement, the month-long search for Gervasi was over, and many were relieved to know that she had been found.
According to the New York Post, on December 9, 2024, Emmarae mysteriously vanished after getting into a black car outside her home in Patchogue without a jacket or shoes. Although security footage confirmed her presence at the Bohemia motel the following day, she remained missing. It wasn’t until Friday, January 3, that Emmarae Gervasi was discovered inside a boat in Islip, thanks to an anonymous tip received by Frank.
“I did find her myself before police got there. It was 26 days of hell seeing her alive in my arms,” Frank Gervasi told News 12. “It was a gift from God. I can’t describe the feeling I had when I grabbed her.”
Just like Frank, Emmarae’s mother, Melissa Dervay, was elated after finally reuniting with her daughter. “The moment I heard her voice and knew she was OK, I felt a weight lifted off my body,” Dervay told Greater Long Island. “I’ve been so tense for the past four weeks, quietly fighting a battle. Now, I’m elated. I feel light, and I just want to scream, ‘She’s OK. She’s been found.'”
After Frank’s initial Facebook post, he went on to share a post from Stephanie Rae in the “Together Against Trafficking” Facebook group.
Emma was discovered in Islip by her father, thanks to a vital tip. It is important to clarify that she was not there voluntarily, and her reunion with Frank Gervasi brought her great joy,” Rae explained. Rae further mentioned that an ongoing investigation is underway and that no additional details can be disclosed at this time.
“We are incredibly grateful for the support and dedication of all those who assisted in locating Emma. The outpouring of love and compassion that you have demonstrated will undoubtedly have a profound impact on her once she has had the opportunity to fully comprehend the events.”