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Mom believes her son might never walk again and is praying for a miracle following the child’s paraIyzed “while trying to avoid being bitten by an insect.”

Mom says her son may never walk again and is praying for miracle after the child was left paraIyzed ‘while trying to avoid being bitten by an insect’

Houston, TX – A 13-year-old boy named Semiyon was left paralyzed after diving into the shallow end of a pool to escape an insect, according to his mom. She reported that Semiyon severed his spine, resulting in paralysis. In an attempt to avoid the insect, he jumped head-first into the shallow end, leading to the tragic incident.

According to reports, the boy hit his head before he began floating face down in the water. The boy’s mother, Ana, shared with local news outlets that her son was at the pool with a friend who initially thought he was playing when they saw him not moving. However, upon turning him over, the boy told his friend that he couldn’t feel anything.

After the incident, the young boy, aged 13, was immediately taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. The concerned mother is worried that her son may never be able to use his legs again. According to reports from local news outlets, the doctors who attended to him revealed that he had sustained fractures on two vertebrae – the 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae. The fractures also affected the areas located in front and behind the spinal cord, as well as the spinal canal which encases the spinal cord.

According to the doctor interviewed by the outlet, the young boy has lost all motor and sensory abilities below the injury level. This is not a positive sign for his potential recovery. In light of this tragic event, the family has started a fundraiser to help cover the medical expenses. The fundraiser description states that the boy was rushed to the hospital and received devastating news. His spinal cord was severely damaged, leaving him without use of his limbs. Although his fractured bones have been repaired, the spinal cord, which is the main stem of the body, cannot be fixed.

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