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Implications of a New Mailbox Sticker for Texas Postal Workers

Implications of a New Mailbox Sticker for Texas Postal Workers

Postal workers in Texas work tirelessly each day to ensure that our mail and packages are delivered promptly. They proudly carry out their duties, guided by the motto “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” However, they occasionally encounter challenges along their routes, one of which could be an encounter with an aggressive dog. To address this issue, a new program is being implemented nationwide to enhance the postal carriers’ awareness of dogs in the communities they serve.

USPS Dog Paw Program

In 2021, the USPS introduced the Dog Paw Program. to assist postal carriers in identifying homes with dogs. This program utilizes a straightforward sticker positioned beneath the mailbox flag. The sticker features a paw print in the center and has either an orange or yellow background. An orange sticker signifies the presence of a dog at that particular residence, while a yellow sticker indicates the presence of a dog at a neighboring house. Postal workers will affix the appropriate sticker to your mailbox and provide an accompanying postcard explaining its purpose.

Texas came in at the second position in the United States in terms of dog attacks in 2023, with a total of 411 incidents. Among the cities in Texas, Houston stood out as the second-highest city for postal worker dog attacks, recording a total of 56 reported incidents (USPS). This alarming statistic is exactly why the Dog Paw Program was established – to ensure the safety of postal workers while they carry out their routes.

Mail carriers receive training on how to handle dog attacks. In such situations, they may use their mail satchel as a barrier or utilize dog repellent. It is important to note that not all dogs are aggressive towards mail carriers. With the right training, dogs can be well-behaved around them. However, even with training, a dog’s natural instincts might still be triggered by unfamiliar smells or threatening behavior.

When will this program arrive in East Texas?

As of now, it is unclear when exactly the program was initiated. It was initially introduced in major cities in 2021, and has been gradually expanding since then. If you happen to come across an orange or yellow sticker adorned with a paw print beneath your mailbox’s flag, it is important not to remove it. This sticker has been placed there by your postal worker as part of the program.

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