On Thursday, January 2, 2024, Misty Paulette Bane, a 50-year-old resident of Mabank, was apprehended by Henderson County deputies on a warrant related to charges of Bestiality.
The authorities apprehended Bane at her residence on Navajo Drive, close to Cedar Creek Reservoir, without any complications. The warrant, which was issued by the 3rd District Court in Athens, came after her indictment for an incident that took place on November 17, 2024.
The indictment alleges that Bane forced a tiny dog to perform sexual activities on her. The authorities have not disclosed the method of reporting the case.
Bane promptly posted her $10,000 bond on the same day. According to Texas Penal Code § 21.09, Bestiality is categorized as a state jail felony, but it can be elevated to a second-degree felony if the animal involved is severely injured or killed.
The investigation is still ongoing.