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Asylum seekers in Seattle plead with Biden to maintain open borders

Local communities and advocates are expressing significant concern over the implementation of President Biden’s latest executive action on immigration.

Hundreds of asylum seekers in Kent are stranded and appealing for shelter due to insufficient funding and resources.

Melissa Rubio, the political director of OneAmerica, a nonprofit organization that advocates for immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Washington, believes that the current immigration system’s outdated nature is the underlying cause of the issue at hand. She asserts that it is crucial to address this root cause and update the immigration system accordingly.

Advocates argue that the $25 million allocated to nonprofits like OneAmerica and the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project to assist with migrant issues is insufficient.

Rubio suggested that instead of closing the border, we should focus on expediting the processing of asylum claims.

In an executive action announced on Tuesday, Biden has stated that the U.S. border will be closed after 2,500 individuals have entered the country. However, this decision has been met with criticism from both advocates and immigrants who argue that it is out of touch and goes against international law.

According to the executive director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Malou Chavez, the asylum process has been effective.

In response to the surge in immigration cases, a new action has been taken. Since October, which marks the start of the 2024 fiscal year, Washington State has witnessed over 18,400 cases, with almost 20,000 cases filed in the 2023 fiscal year.

Damian shared that his husband was charged 1,000 pesos per week, which is equivalent to around $58 US dollars. This left them with no money for their family’s needs.

Asylum seekers and the possibility of unaccompanied minors making the journey alone face an uncertain future with the implementation of the new policy. This development has raised significant concerns and warrants careful consideration.

At present, the Tacoma Detention Center is detaining over 800 individuals, further emphasizing the continuous struggles and uncertainties that immigrant families are facing.

Local leaders have shared their reactions to the recent news. They have expressed their opinions and concerns regarding the matter at hand. Their statements have been varied, with some expressing support and others expressing disagreement. Nonetheless, their voices have added to the ongoing conversation about the issue and have brought attention to its significance in the community.

As someone who has dedicated years to advocating for immigrants’ rights, I have witnessed firsthand that relying solely on enforcement measures is ineffective. It is crucial to acknowledge that seeking asylum is a legal process under U.S. immigration laws and international treaties. The solution to addressing the challenges at the border is not simply cracking down on immigration, but rather revamping an antiquated immigration system that has restricted access to legal pathways and resources for immigrants from all backgrounds. Modernizing this system is the only viable way to truly address the issue.

Roxana Norouzi, the Executive Director of OneAmerica, expressed the same view.

“Our country and the international community recognize seeking asylum as a fundamental human right. My family and I, along with many other migrants in Washington state, are here because of this right to seek safety and asylum. Unfortunately, the recent executive order undermines this basic right. As immigrants, we expect better from the President and our state congressional delegation, who represent a sanctuary state. Decisions like this send a negative message to immigrant voters. Our members are disappointed with the recent border vote in the senate and call on Senators Murray and Cantwell to reject the divisive rhetoric of opportunistic politicians. Instead, we urge them to support and uphold the legal right to seek asylum and safety. We believe that immigrants strengthen our country and this is the promise of our nation that we must fulfill.”

According to Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda of King County, she stated:

“I am grateful for OneAmerica and the broader national community for speaking out against the harm and atrocities of the Biden Executive Order. It warms my heart to see the local community rejecting the displacement of immigrants and embracing innovative housing solutions. I also want to acknowledge the efforts of my King County colleagues, as well as state and local leaders who have worked hard to provide resources, but we all recognize that much more needs to be done. We do not need walls, we do not need sweeps, and we do not need to blame or scapegoat anyone. What we do need are policies that truly support asylum seekers, including shelter, legal assistance, and other services. Our immigrant community contributes to our society, making it stronger and prosperous. We will not tolerate the politicization of their lives or the undoing of decades of immigration law, not in Washington State, or in Washington DC.”

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